The Rise of Robotics: Companies to Watch Amid Rising Shifts to Automation

The Rise of Robotics: Companies to Watch Amid Rising Shifts to Automation

The Rise of Robotics Companies to Watch Amid Rising Shifts to Automation
Image Courtesy: Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence is the basis of technology’s evolution. Increasing automatization brings benefits of increased reliability and labor efficiencies to businesses seeking operational excellence. Fueled by the misconception that robotics will be taking over regular human work, I have listed insightful information in this blog.

Aging Populations and Low Birth Rates

Two factors that are having a notable impact on the workforce in developed nations in retirement and pensions. An increase in longevity has been attributed to an aging population, which greatly impacts pension budgets. Strong economic growth and low birth rates, especially in Europe and Japan, have also contributed to these challenges. If this trend continues, schools will be challenged by dwindling student populations. Also, the businesses may struggle to hire enough talented staff members.

Increasing Health Care Expenses

The rate of technological advancement is behind much higher costs related to health care. The World Bank estimates that health care costs globally doubled between 2000 operations. Loans for medical facilities are one way some firms have taken to offset the increased expense of providing employee health insurance benefits. 

Onshoring and Near-shoring

In recent years, there has been a shift away from outsourcing and offshoring to onshore and near-shore locations. This is in part due to the rise of robotics and automation, which have made it possible for companies to move their operations closer to home.

There are a number of factors driving this shift. First, the cost of labor is rising in many countries, as wages continue to increase and benefits become more expensive. Second, the quality of workers in some countries has fallen, as education levels lag behind those in developed economies. And finally, advances in technology have made it possible to replace human workers with robots in many cases.

All of these factors are leading more and more companies to consider on-shoring and near-shoring their operations. Here are a few examples:

General Electric

GE recently announced that it would be moving 500 jobs from China back to the U.S., citing the rising cost of labor in China as a primary factor. The company also plans to invest $1 billion in a new manufacturing facility in Louisville, Kentucky.


The Taiwanese electronics manufacturer has been sharply criticized for its use of low-cost labor in China. But it is now shifting its focus to automated factories. Foxconn plans to build a $5 billion plant in Wisconsin that will create 5,200 jobs – most of which will be filled by robots

As the demand for automation continues to rise, so does the debate over whether it’s better to keep jobs onshore or move them offshore. On one side of the argument are those who believe that automation will lead to the demise of jobs, especially in manufacturing. They argue that it’s better to keep jobs onshore and invest in training workers for new positions that will be created by the rise of robotics. On the other side are those who believe that offshoring is the way of the future and that companies should take advantage of lower-cost labor markets.

So, what’s the right answer? It depends on your company’s specific needs and goals. For some companies, onshoring makes sense because they want to maintain a high level of control over their production process and be able to respond quickly to changes in customer demand.


The robotics industry is one of the most fascinating and rapidly-growing industries to watch. As companies shift to automation, there are a few key players to keep an eye on. These companies are leading the charge in innovation and are poised to make a big impact in the coming years.

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